A few years ago, virtual reality seemed like a very distant futuristic concept. However, time has passed, and this technology begins to have more presence in our lives, especially in the field of video games. It is this sector that has bet the most on a game mode that has as many fans as it has detractors.

Although it is evident that there is still much to improve, large companies have decided to bet on virtual reality. From PC and consoles to mobile games, the industry is thriving, and app developers like us are continuously producing marvelous products. Sagas of the level of Doom, The Elder Scrolls or Fallout have decided to take a step towards this new terrain.
Virtual reality, besides, is not only capable of entertaining us, but it also allows our dreams and memories to come to life. However, the question remains the same: does VR & AR in Game Development have a future in the world of video games? To try to answer it, we will analyze your situation, its pros and cons, and the best it can offer us.
What is Virtual Reality?
As Virtual World explains, it consists of sensory immersion in a new world that has been artificially generated. To perceive this world, the use of virtual reality glasses is essential, in addition to other accessories such as helmets or gloves.
The objective is to create a fictional world in which we immerse ourselves to become absolute protagonists. In the case of VR & AR in game, it offers a unique experience, since the combination of virtual reality and games is almost perfect.
The Best Examples of Virtual Reality Video Games
The DOOM VFR story preserves the best of the famous saga. The story is new, but we can enjoy the same weapons, scenes and monsters that we already know. This time we put ourselves in the shoes of Dr Peters, whose conscience is installed in a security robot after dying. Thanks to this artificial body, we can tour the facilities of Mars and Hell while we finish off our enemies.
Fallout 4 VR
The essence of Fallout adapts to virtual reality in a unique experience. This version is the same as the original Fallout 4 and will allow VR & AR in game to explore environments and interact with everything we find in our path.
Skyrim VR
Once again, the history of the dovahkiin conquers us thanks to an awesome adventure in which virtual reality takes on great importance. It is not a simple foray into this technology, but it offers us more than thirty hours of entertainment.
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard returns to the beginning of the well-known saga. We all know his argument and those who have been lucky enough to play it ensure that it is a terrifying experience. It maintains the classic inventory system, but with more limited space, which complicates our decision-making.
Why VR & AR in Game Development Considered as the Future?
In our blog, we already talked about this topic, but it seems that the doubt is still in the air. In this sense, according to The New York Times, the level of adaptation of virtual reality does not correspond to the enormous commotion that its appearance has caused. However, the world of video games continues to bet on virtual reality. Global revenue from this market is projected to grow more than $ 160 billion in 2020, a considerable increase compared to $ 5.2 billion in 2016.
Virtual Reality applications are rapidly evolving. From education to healthcare, but by far the most popular VR & AR in Game Development is entertainment. Virtual reality is the great novelty in the world of video games, offering an immersive and high definition experience that we have never experienced before. We have adopted a contemporary development process, and Zazz makes sure that you get these games in record time. The introduction of virtual reality glasses like the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR has created enormous interest in the potential of virtual reality in the video game industry.
Play, social behaviour and new technologies are interconnected. Our minds are steadily grown and challenged by new techniques of VR & AR in game, allowing game designers to develop new online gambling sites. Adopting technology early, experimenting with it, and combining it with existing phenomena and social schemas, opens up new opportunities in the entertainment industry.
From a technical point of view, this is not a new technology, as VR and VR games have been around since the 1990s. Still, where before there was an ambiguous and uncertain future, we are now at a point where it is, Of course, the use of AR in gaming sector is a viable mean, and it is here to stay.
PlayStation VR, a Good Option?
A significant challenge in the path of virtual reality is to popularize a console specialized in this modality. Although today the best known is PlayStation VR, the truth is that there are still many sceptics who do not fully trust their potential.
The use of AR in gaming sector concerning PlayStation VR catalogue adds more than 230 titles
In this sense, many doubts arise, since we can ask ourselves if it is worth the investment or if there is an extensive catalog that manages to satisfy us. We recognize that the quality is much higher on PC, but remember that a computer prepared for virtual reality can carry a cost of more than 2,500 CAD.
PlayStation VR, meanwhile, offers a much more consistent value for money. To acquire it, we only need a PS4 model (any) and a PlayStation Eye camera. Regarding the possibilities of play, it has a showcase with more than 230 opportunities. Besides, it continues incorporating new games, as we already detailed previously.
A New Trend of Mobile VR Games
Smartphones have evolved quickly much more than anyone of us has ever anticipated. Mobile apps are now much more sophisticated and integrate technologies like AR, VR and others. As a VR developer, we have created top-notch VR mobile games by using most contemporary frameworks and libraries. Mobile games are here to stay, and they are more accessible than consoles and PC games; thus, they have the maximum reach. If you are looking for a VR game development company, we could be the best partners as we always prioritize clients and offer the most cost-effective services. Contact us for more information!
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