Among all the programming languages and all the methods to create applications, software programs, websites, and other digital elements, Java stands out as one of the easiest to use and the easiest to master by employees or employees. Professional users who require this type of programming language. It is also one of the most widespread and best known for its platform and its tools and its advantages for users, both those who create with it and for those who use software developed in Java and for those who use it, being aware or not, of this every day when consuming content on the internet and / or when using certain applications and programs.

Over the past few years, Java has managed to position itself as one of the most prominent and important in the market. But the question is why Java has got so much success and why it could be a great option for your next project? Let’s dig deep.
Java is one of the most difficult languages to learn, perhaps not so much because of its syntax or the fact that it is object-oriented, but rather because of its breadth. Within Java, you have a library of classes (libraries) to do any kind of thing. It is very difficult for you to develop any type of application and start from scratch in Java, on the contrary, you will always rely on something is already written, which implements the bases of what you want to build.
Java is very large and that although it represents a difficulty in learning, it is also one of its advantages. One could say that, although a developer has many years of experience programming, it is practically impossible for him to know all the areas for which Java can be used, they are already many and very different. Normally, the classes (libraries) that you are going to use when you do one type of program are different from those that you will use for another one and the usual thing is that the projects only require working with a small set of the resources that exist in Java.
A bit of Java History
Java is a language that appears in 1995. To get an idea, it has more or less the same lifetime as other popular languages such as Python or PHP, but Java is revolutionary. We can say that the reason for being so well known and innovative is that it has a unique philosophy: “write once and execute anywhere” (“write once, run everywhere”). In other words, you program it once and execute it on any system.
That philosophy is what made Java a myth, but Java also has some features that make it very useful: it is the strongest languages, with the largest number of libraries to do any kind of thing and with one of the largest communities. Besides, Java is the language of the best paid today.
Java was developed by Sun Microsystems, but it is James Arthur Gosling who is considered the father of language. Java is currently owned by Oracle, which bought from Sun and is responsible for its commercialization and the continuity of language development.
Recently, Java has had a new flourishing thanks to the fact that Google used the language as a basis for the development of the Android operating system and as a native language for the development of applications for its smartphones. However, Java is traditionally used in countless environments and applications.
Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
Java is a cross-platform language, which runs on any machine. This is thanks to the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) that allows us to execute the Java code in any place for which this virtual machine was created. JVM is the secret (not so secret because everyone knows it) and the Java key as a cross-platform language.
The JVM acts as a bridge between the Java compiled code and the machine where it is intended to run. We can see it as a translator, which is responsible for interpreting the Java code so that it is correctly executed on the target system. That is, with Java we compile the code and the result of the compilation is executed in the JVM that has the operating system where you want to start the program.
JVM is the piece that allows the philosophy of Java, which is programmed in a language and the same program can be run on Mac, Windows, Linux and even other types of systems, provided they have a VMY.
Almost any hardware can mount a JVM and thanks to it be compatible with Java. The first mobile phones, before the arrival of smartphones, could run games in Java and that is because a JVM had simply been created for them.
What do you need to develop in Java
The salient things you should keep in mind are:
Java JDK
The first thing you need to be able to develop in Java is the “Java Development Kit”. It is free software that contains everything that your machine requires to work with the language, both the JVM and the libraries to perform Java programs, from the most basic to the most complex and specific.
To get the JDK you need to download it from the Oracle page. It is often a bit complicated to navigate this type of “macro sites”; we recommend you go the fast track and search Google for “download java JDK”. This will take you to the main JDK download page on the Oracle site.
There are different packages, methods, and flavorings from Java. Each one has a name and sometimes it is a bit messy to have so many acronyms to learn. So better take some guidance from an expert.
Most likely, you already had the Java Virtual Machine on your system (commonly, Java is installed on your computer because even without knowing it you are using a program developed with Java.) Whether or not you had Java is not worrying, as you could see in the previous image, the VMY is also installed when you install the JDK for Java.
IDE for development
The third step would be to have an IDE for development. IDE stands for “Integrated Development Environment” or in Spanish, Integrated Development Environment. We recommend using Eclipse, then we’ll see something else on how to obtain and use Eclipse.
Advantages of Java
First of the advantages that we are going to comment on is the ease of use and learning that it entails, since, being object-oriented, it not only represents an improvement for development and programming but also improves the way of thinking of its software and operation, although, as we have already seen, performance is still inconvenient. It is also an advantage that Java is independent of its multiplatform and everything that it encompasses,
Java has a series of libraries and options that allow users to go further and have tools and utilities for everything they want and for everything they need at any time. This is one of the main features of Java that users love and that make it stand out in the market and the world of programming and computer languages. Its library is called the Java API and includes three basic blocks for all users.
But Java has two more advantages that we should not omit, and that they are, in the first place, that there are certain publishers (IDEs) of great quality and excellence, which allow programmers and developers to do more for their projects, at a pace more fluid and with a more comfortable job. The last advantage is the solution of errors and failures through the Java language that it offers, allowing us to review the creations and correct them. In other languages such as C or C ++, there are no such tools and solutions, which makes Java have an obvious and remarkable competitive advantage.
Simple language
One of the most important things you want to know about Java is that it is not complex at all. The language learning curve is short, so you can immediately become familiar with the terms and functions that language uses.
The same goes for people who already know other programming languages such as C or C ++. Well, the reality is that these languages are very similar, obviously they are not the same, but if you already have the logic, which is one of the most important things, then it will not cost you any work to start working with Java and especially take advantage of it, which is one of the things you are looking for, be productive and worth the time spent.
Object-Oriented Language
If you don’t know much about programming, then you will be wondering, how to objects. Well, objects are responsible for encapsulating information, classes, and functions, which can be manipulated later or can be added to different programs and there is the manipulation of data between objects, for some reason these types of languages are much more powerful.
Not for nothing, Java is one of the most used languages in large projects, which at first glance can seem extremely complex.
Distributed applications
Surely you have heard about distributed computing, what it is and the advantages of this, because I tell you, with Java you have the possibility of making distributed applications. These network applications, what they do are run on a platform that is composed of a distributed computer base and work perfectly. It maintains a lot of stability and the performance increases considerably, well, it’s just a detail in case you didn’t know.
Interpreted and Compiled
One of the main advantages of Java is its compilation. What happens with the Java compilation? Well, the compilation is so good, that it assimilates assembly language, that is, from the base it can be interpreted. This helps a lot to the execution of applications compiled in Java because it can be executed anywhere without major problem.
It is safe
One of the virtues of Java, possibly its security, in addition to being an open-source language, but its programs are compiled so perfectly and originally, that you will not have any problem with security filters or things like that. You will have the comfort that even when making web applications with Java, the security will be maximum and you will not have to worry.
The reason for this article is to give a layman some understanding regarding the Java language and also to give novice developers some food of thought for their new ventures. If you are running a business and wants to develop digital solutions for better integration and growth, do contact us as we have a dedicated team that answers all development, design, and management related stuff.
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