The evolution of technology has allowed practically everyone to charge with a computer when we travel, either for work or just for leisure, on vacation. It is not about laptops, whose travel transportation is far from universal, but mobile apps in smartphones, pocket computers that allow us to be connected wherever we go.

Having a small touch computer in each pocket has allowed a category of applications to boost its usefulness, we talk about applications specialized in organizing routes, locating transport or recommending what to see and where. Applications to tour tourist sites with the maximum information available so that we have our backs well covered.
It is time to make a compilation, as was done with the apps for the elderly. It is time to see how the best-known travel applications behave and which ones we recommend to install. Always being aware, of course, that many will be compatible with each other and we will not have to choose one, exclusively. The best thing is that its characteristics are complementary in many cases. Let’s see what the mobile app park offers us. Let’s see what the mobile app park and a devOps services company offer us.
It had to be the application that headed this list because it can be, thanks to different awards and rankings achieved, the best mobile travel application that we can find right now. It is not a newcomer, Minube has been around the Android and iOS application stores for several years now.
The Minube application is focused on the discovery, that our mobile helps us to know corners of all the places we travel and encourage us to make new trips. Once there we will know where to eat or where we can stay and has a recommendation section of nearby sites by quite practical geolocation, a very widespread function in this type of apps. In addition, we have trips configured to take advantage of weekends, romantic destinations, etc.
Minube is a free application on all operating systems in which it is present and creating an account on it is a fairly simple procedure. The account will also allow us to keep a history of our visits and be able to mark places as favorites, to plan trips. Choosing Minube is a success, there is no doubt.
When we talk about mobile applications to prepare and take advantage of trips, both Yelp and Foursquare / Swarm must be present, two of the leading applications in their sector and that have such a high mass of critical users that they are impossible to ignore. Let’s start with Yelp, the first to launch and currently leading the way in terms of geolocated recommendations.
Perhaps the only major drawback that Yelp can put at this point is that its service is not as popular in Eastern Europe as one would wish for its creators, although they have a fairly well trained and specialized work team, managing communities throughout and width of the country with the aim of continuing to make the application grow.
Crag Martin, the head of the Montreal community , expresses this about Yelp:
Yelp is a great tool to enjoy your vacation as if you were the place you are going to. With millions of local business reviews written by local yelpers, you will discover those corners and secret businesses that do not appear in the guides or websites written by tourists for tourists. As we like to say to us: travel like a local.
Yelp is based on a clear premise: to offer simple recommendations to users while encouraging their participation, not only when commenting but also with local events to empower the community. In Yelp we will find geolocated recommendations on all kinds of places: from monuments to museums, through hotels, restaurants, libraries and even parking. In addition, from Yelp we can book in those places that allow it, greatly facilitating the organization of trips and tourist visits.
Foursquare / Swarm
Before we mentioned it and here we have it, the top competitor of Yelp in terms of geolocated recommendations and that, by the way, has not carried out a strategy too efficient with the division of the original FourSquare in FourSquare and Swarm, since each time it incorporates more functions than before.
If we talked before the world competition between Yelp and Foursquare is inclined towards the first, in Spain it is the opposite, with greater acceptance in our country. The division into two different applications was a slight brake on its growth but nobody doubts today about the usefulness of Foursquare as an app to get recommendations on what to see and where to go in each city we visit, even if it is the city in which we live and we think we move like a fish in the water.
Like Yelp, Foursquare also lives from its community and its contributions. Recommendations with photographs, personal and professional assessments and a long list of information so that, by connecting and providing our geolocation, we have a long list of activities to carry out wherever we are. Another great option if we are going to travel anywhere on the planet.
Tripadvisor is one of those applications whose value when making trips is not only present in its recommendations, since it has an important user community, but also that we can make reservations for both accommodation and transport. Thanks to Tripadvisor we will find interesting places to visit and in all places of the world.
With Tripadvisor, we can plan the trip from our home but it is also useful once we arrive at the destination, with recommendations of guided tours, tourist sites that we should not miss and transportation management, not just flights. Tripadvisor is considered one of the best applications for travel planning and management and is present on many platforms.
In addition, from Yelp we can book in those places that allow it, greatly facilitating the organization of trips and tourist visits. If you want an app like this for iOS and Android audiences, a react native app development agency can help!
As important as getting directions in the place we visit or being able to plan activities before starting it is to save some euros on accommodation and travel in a different way, this is where Airbnb comes in, an application that allows us to access a huge community, a catalog of private accommodation with single rooms, houses, and complete apartments at our disposal.
With Airbnb we can get accommodation in every place we go to because its catalog of accommodations is increasingly broad. We will deal directly with the owners of the sites where we will stay, so we will eliminate intermediaries and obtain better prices than in conventional hotels. And yes, it has an important part of the community with recommendations and personal evaluations of other users.
In fact, we won’t even have to leave Airbnb to make payments because we can already manage them all from our account in the application. If we are looking for a way to stay in places other than the traditional ones, and at very good prices regardless of the luxury we are looking for, Airbnb has to be in our list of apps installed on the mobile.
Fly smart
When we think of travel, imagining what we will do on the destination to which but rarely get on the journey itself, and when we take a plane is not always as simple as boarding and disembarking point A to B. Many users make long trips that require stopovers at different airports and this is where Flysmart takes on special relevance.
Fly smart is the app that will offer us detailed information about airports in every corner of the planet. If we have already designed a new trip and we know where we will make the stops, or where we will have to wait until they allow us to get on the plane, from Flysmart we will have information about its stores, available services and everything relevant that the airport may contain.
Waiting for our flight in a chair is not the same as doing some beers, having breakfast or just watching TV. Fly smart will tell us what we can do at each airport where we are going to be and it becomes, therefore, an ideal application for trips with stops or even with long waits in remote terminals of the planet.
Google Maps
What would happen to us on a trip if we didn’t have access to Google Maps when we needed it most. With Google Maps it is not about planning the trip but of being able to guide us without problems in the place where we are. Well with access to data or with previously downloaded areas thanks to the offline functionality, we will only need the mobile’s GPS to know where we are, what to do and how to easily get from one point to another point..
With Google Maps we will have access to information of nearby places with comments from the community of users of the application, we can know public transport schedules, opening and closing times of shops and buildings of all kinds and now, from one of its latest updates, also the option to call a taxi from the same application.
If we have the option of adding Google Earth to the package, we will also have the option of knowing what we will find in each place we want to go to, although we can already achieve that with the addition of Street View offered by Google Maps. In addition, it has the advantage that it usually comes installed in most Android devices, an app less than we have to look for and that will be very useful when we travel.
A new search application when planning trips but on this occasion specialized in flights, although it also offers other services such as hotel search, trains and other alternatives when traveling. With Kayak on mobile, we can plan and manage our trips as well as access exclusive offers for our smartphone.
As in the other options, Kayak also has an important community that leaves valuations of both accommodations and routes with different airlines, so we can know in advance which ones are more likely to be delayed than others, which are usually cheaper or in which we will be better served.
From Kayak mobile apps we can search for flights and hotels and filter by data such as WiFi, the different services offered and even the neighborhood where the accommodation is located, in case we are looking for a specific area to travel and we do not want to have to then discriminate between a mountain of results. There is no doubt that Kayak will make travel planning much easier and that is why he has entered our compilation.
As we see, there are multiple options for any task we want to perform. Maps apps to know how to orient and move without fear through unknown cities, recommendations apps to know which places we can rely on to get better service or apps to get the best hotel at the best price, or the flights that interest us most.
The best thing about smartphones today is precisely that, the wide variety of options when choosing which application is the one that interests us most. Services of a website development company in USA will need more. We hope that this compilation will be useful to you when it comes to carrying your mobile or apps with which to travel something safer, or having more information. If you know other options that you think are better, that’s what the comments are for. Use them without fear and we create the best collection of apps to travel with our mobile.
Wanted to create an app for travel and tourism?
If you are a startup and wanted to explore the travel and tourism industry. The key is to digitize and take help from technological innovations. Zazz has been at the forefront since the inception of mobile apps and other technologies like IoT and Artificial Intelligence. If you see a loophole in the industry and wanted to create an app to cover the gap while growing your own revenue, we are here to help. Do contact us, together we can transform the travel and tourism industry.
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