According to a recent report prepared by Gartner, up to 80% of smartphones will be equipped with artificial intelligence in 2022. You may even have a phone that makes use of the odd system based on this technology. But what does it mean for you as a user?

Smartphones have become the way through which artificial intelligence has sneaked into our lives, with the main objective of facilitating actions, simple or complex, that we carry out throughout the day.
Your new smartphone has artificial intelligence, what does it mean?
In the first place, it is worth commenting that artificial intelligence is not a new concept, much less. Even so, it has not been until these last years, when smartphone manufacturers have coined this term as a hook to attract a wider audience.
But, contrary to what many people think, some brands have managed to take advantage of this technology, implementing solutions that, far from serving as a claim, provide added value to their smartphones. Google, for example, has made its Pixel cameras a benchmark in the market through AI, while Huawei has equipped its latest phones with a neuronal processing unit that, among other things, translates texts in real-time and optimize terminal resource consumption by learning from the user automatically.
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But that’s not all, and you might already be using one of the most useful artificial intelligence systems seen on the Android platform, and you haven’t even noticed. How? Through Google Photos
Google’s photo and video storage, and organization service take advantage of artificial intelligence for functions such as creating photomontages or videos automatically, or to identify objects and people that appear in an image. You do not believe it? Open Google Photos on your mobile and search for “car”. You will see how all the images related to this type of vehicles appear on the cov appears in your photo is, indeed, a career.
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Of course, the possibilities of artificial intelligence in mobiles go beyond. Analysts have concluded that AI has a minimum of ten potential uses from which both manufacturers and users can benefit over the years. They are the following:
A ‘digital self’ hidden in the mobile
Through the device’s sensors and the data stored in it, artificial intelligence systems will be able to get an idea of what users want, how they want it and when they want it, getting to perform actions without the user’s request, similar to the automatic optimization of Huawei that we have commented before.
User Authentication
Passwords are close to becoming obsolete. That’s right. Having to remember increasingly long and complex text strings is a security method that is far from being suitable, and as analysts point out, a combination of biometrics and artificial intelligence capable of analyzing and identifying the patterns and behavior of users could become the new perfect authentication system.
Emotion recognition
Canada will be one of the first countries to use AI to study behaviors closely related to suicide and depression in social networks. This is a use that manufacturers, especially those who have focused their efforts on creating personal mobile assistants, could implement in their software to recognize this type of behavior and offer help to users.
Natural language recognition
Thanks to the automatic learning of this type of systems, the technologies of recognition or speech synthesis, can understand the requests of the users in an increasingly precise way.
Augmented and virtual reality
As analysts point out, combining artificial intelligence systems with augmented or virtual reality can help health professionals collect user data and detect diseases such as skin cancer or pancreatic cancer, among many other uses.
Enhanced device management
As we mentioned before, Huawei has been one of the first firms that incorporated AI to optimize the operation of their phones based on user usage patterns. However, it is possible to go even further in this aspect if, for example, the system automatically chooses at what times of the day it is more appropriate to show the notifications to the user, or in which situations the performance should be reduced to obtain greater autonomy.
Personal user profiles
Taking advantage of the fact that the devices collect a huge amount of user data, it is possible to take advantage of them through the creation of unique profiles, registering tastes, hobbies, and behaviors. As an example, insurance companies could reduce or increase the rate depending on the user’s behavior in driving.
Content Censorship
Detecting and eliminating dangerous content is another use that can be given to artificial intelligence. Not only would it be possible to introduce this type of system in smartphones to identify and notify the user about content stored in the phone that could violate any law or policy, but it could be useful in improving the security of the system, avoiding the appearance of threats like malware or malicious applications.
Photography enhancements
Google knows a lot about this and has shown it in the two generations of its Pixel phones. The firm has used artificial intelligence to automatically improve the photos captured with the mobile, eliminating any type of manual adjustment and relying on the software.
However, analysts point out that it would also be possible to base photographic adjustments on the user’s tastes. Some firms of Chinese origin use technologies of this type to modify photographs and selfies, adapting the skin tone to the beauty stereotypes of the country.
Audio analysis
Although many users fear that their mobile phone is listening them 24 hours a day, keeping the microphone active throughout the day could have beneficial purposes. For example, every time the IS system hears and identifies a specific sound, it could perform automatic actions. Something similar can be seen in Google’s Pixel 3, through the “It’s Playing” mode, which recognizes songs and shows their title automatically, without even affecting the battery consumption of the terminal.
These are just some of the many uses that could be given to artificial intelligence in smartphones. Today we are at an early stage of this technology, but there is no doubt that the coming years will be key to its settlement on mobile devices. In general, smartphones with AI will bring associated improvements and/or new capabilities that will allow the processing of a greater amount and speed of information on the device itself, without resorting to an Internet connection to complete some usual tasks.
The AI will help to anticipate and automatically resolve actions that users frequently perform with their smartphones. Thanks to algorithms and learning about repeated habits, smartphones will better adapt to the needs of their owners.
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