When we talk about “things”, we mean anything. For real! We are already used to using the internet with smartphones, computers, Smart TVs, and video games. But in this context, the idea is not to connect these gadgets to the internet but make them smart. In addition to contributing to optimize natural resources, for health and other endless opportunities.
Internet of Things (IoT) could be defined as a network that interconnects physical objects using the internet. These objects, previously connected by a closed circuit, would use embedded systems that allow not only internet connectivity. But also to program-specific events depending on the tasks that are remotely dictated to them.
Android in IOT Development opens many possibilities. To simplify, imagine your house. Now think of all the things you have in your kitchen, like the refrigerator. In that scenario, the refrigerator could warn you when food runs out, you can do research and find markets with the best prices to buy a certain product. Hire IoT developers that have expertise in this field like Zazz to get best results.
And now, thinking further, about connectivity. Imagine your alarm clock ringing in the morning, and send a message for the coffee maker to start brewing coffee and notifying the curtains to open slowly. Does it seem too futuristic? Objects connected (the alarm clock and the coffee maker), which exchange information (time to wake up and make coffee) to create an action (coffee ready without worries).
What are Android Things?
Android Things is Google’s android in IOT Development framework that allows developers to build IoT-connected devices. These devices are coupled with Google Cloud Platform using Android application programming interfaces (APIs). The “Android Things” platform is based on its predecessor “Brillio”. Android Things is currently available for several platforms including Raspberry Pi 3.
Google is working to maximize its role of Android in IoT by delivering new features for developers. Android Things is a light OS, capable of running applications, with very little power consumption and few resources. To see this, you just need to see the amount of RAM needed to run Android Things. While Android 7.0 Classic Nougat is for devices with a minimum of 512 MB of RAM, it only takes 16 to 32 MB on Android Things.
Role of Android in IoT and Reasons of its Popularity
When we talk of mobile apps there are two main contender platforms. Android and iOS are found on almost every other smartphone. However, iOS is mainly found in developed countries and it’s also very expensive. There are just iPhones that carry iOS but Android is available to any smartphone manufacturer. To answer how android is used in IoT and why? You have to understand that this platform is popular among developing countries. And also available on flagships as well as budget devices.
This unique selling point of Android has made it favorable for IoT and thus is immensely supporting this technology. That doesn’t mean that iOS apps can’t be integrated with IoT. However, the main driving force behind IoT is credited to Android from Google. Android app development Company can create some excellent digital solutions while exploring IoT.
Java is Behind IoT Development
Java is increasingly used for the development of IoT devices and hence drives them. We all know that Java programming language is used to build sophisticated mobile apps, especially for android based applications. Thus, Java plays an important factor in how Android is used in IoT.
Mobile Apps are used to Manage IoT
IoT devices are nothing without the integration of them with your smartphone apps. Like we gave an example when you wake up and automatically the coffee machine starts making coffee. But how Android is used in IoT? Simple you will analyze, manage, and control your IoT based gadgets through your mobile apps.
Right now, doctors are having Covid-19 patients’ essentials directly on their mobile phone minimizing the contact with them. Like we said earlier, Android is found on most of the mobile phones, hence, it is largely available and mostly used. Android-based mobile apps are popular, especially because they are the king of mid-range and budget smartphones. Mobile apps play an important role of Android in IoT.
How IoT Works on Android?
Commonly, the Internet of Things deals with objects connected through the network. These exchange information to facilitate or create various actions. The free nature of this platform plays a significant role of Android in IoT. For something like this to happen there are a set of three factors that need to be combined for an application to work within the Internet of Things concept.
The Control System:
It is necessary for all the data captured from the devices over the network to be processed. So they are sent to a system that controls every aspect and makes new connections. Hire Best app UX developer to create mobile apps that efficiently manage and control the devices.
The Devices:
They are all those that we already know, such as refrigerators, cars, lamps, clocks, coffee machines, television, and others. It is essential in those devices that they are equipped with the correct items to coordinate with the other elements. Android in IOT Development manages chips, internet connection, sensors, and antennas, among others. Android-based devices use IoT to carry their basic functionalities.
The Network:
It’s the medium of communication and we’re used to that already. Well, they are technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and mobile data (3G, 4G, and now 5G).
Zazz Delivering Exceptional Android Things Apps
Zazz is the only company in New York, San Francisco, and some other parts of the United States that are accredited for an outstanding role for IoT. Our Seattle app Developers create amazing mobile apps by integrating them with contemporary technologies as per clients’ requests. We develop android apps that help control and manage IoT devices.
Our mobile apps are low on memory and excellent performance-wise. We create simple yet innovative designs for IoT apps and guarantee the best results. How do you find this article? Do let us know in the comments section. If you want to start an IoT project to maximize your profits, contact our experts!
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